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The Truth Behind Activated Charcoal: Is It Safe to Use on Teeth?

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 3:48 am
person dipping toothbrush in activated charcoal

If you follow any of the social media trend trends that influencers are promoting, you’ll find that activated charcoal is being touted as the newest form of teeth whitening. Individuals are using the dark substance to remove stains and reveal what appears to be a whiter set of pearly whites. But is it safe to use? Are there any potential risks? Continue reading to learn from a cosmetic dentist why it’s best to ignore these trends and instead let a professional whiten your smile.


When Should You Start Whitening Your Smile for Your Big Event?

May 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 3:12 am
a woman graduating

No matter the time of year, having a brighter smile is always a good idea. Walking around with teeth that appear healthy and free of flaws can help you make a great first impression. But if you’re like most people, achieving this kind of look takes professional treatment, so when you have a big event coming up, you may wonder when it’s best to seek a cosmetic dentist for help. Read on to determine how much time is needed to help you see a whiter, more beautiful smile with teeth whitening.


What Problems Can Ill-Fitting Dentures Cause?

April 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 9:58 pm
woman holding a top row full denture

Receiving customized dentures to restore your smile after suffering from severe tooth loss can feel like a dream come true. Being able to eat the foods you love, speak clearly and not slur your words, and smile with greater confidence are benefits you may have felt you would never experience again. But what happens when your new teeth no longer fit the way they once did? Read on to learn about the kinds of problems that can occur when living with ill-fitting dentures.


It’s Time to Kick the Habit: Why You Shouldn’t Smoke with Dentures

March 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 4:13 am
person pushing away a pack of cigarettes

Whether you’ve been a lifelong smoker or just recently picked up the habit, the harmful effects of nicotine can take a toll on more than just your overall health. If you wear dentures, the problem can begin inside your mouth, putting your oral structures and custom prosthetics at risk. Find out why it’s best to avoid all tobacco products while wearing dentures so that you can enjoy a healthier, stronger smile in the future.


Stuck On You: Which Denture Adhesive is Most Effective?

February 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 6:41 pm
full dentures and denture adhesive

As you prepare to receive your new custom-made dentures, you likely have many questions about what you can expect, and which products will be most beneficial to use. Apart from the recommended cleaners you’ll need to keep your teeth free of harmful bacteria, you’ll also want to know which denture adhesive is best. Read on to discover the different types that are available on the market and how to know which one is right for you.


Risky Business: 3 Dangers Associated with Store-Bought Teeth Whitening

January 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 4:56 am
woman using store-bought whitening strips

It’s easy to become enticed by the promises many companies make when selling teeth whitening products. While looking through the aisles, you’ll find low prices and “fast results” marketed on virtually every store-bought product, but what you may not realize is how risky they can be if used too frequently. Keep reading to learn what problems can arise and why seeing a professional for brighter teeth is the best way to go.


Cosmetic Dentistry’s Clock: How Long Do Results Last?

December 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 6:39 pm
woman with a beautiful, whiter smile

Cosmetic dentistry is known to be a popular option for individuals who desire a transformed, enhanced, and more beautiful smile. Whether it is with the help of veneers, teeth whitening, Invisalign, cosmetic bonding, metal-free restorations, or even smile makeovers, the results allow patients to feel more confident than ever before. But how long can this newer, more vibrant smile last? As you continue to think about pursuing one or more of these cosmetic solutions, read on to find out what kind of longevity comes with these beautifying services.


Does Age Matter? What You Should Know About Teens and Cosmetic Dentistry

November 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 4:09 am
young teenage girl

Raising a teenager may not be the easiest task in the world. The attitude, hormones, social circles, extracurricular activities, and constant reminders that “it’s just not fair” can make any parent go a bit crazy. But the pressures these adolescents experience nowadays are drastically different than those that occurred 20 or 30 years ago. So, when your child comes to you complaining about their teeth, you may ask, “Can my teenager receive cosmetic dentistry?” To find out the answer, keep reading.


Can Dental Implants Ever Become Rusty?

September 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 7:09 pm
a dentist holding a plastic model of a dental implant

When it comes to modern tooth replacement options, dental implants certainly rank as number one. These titanium posts can successfully integrate with a patient’s jawbone to offer optimal stability for their brand-new pearly whites, and the results are lifelike and long-lasting. However, some people wonder if they can potentially rust due to their metallic structure. Fortunately, the likelihood of this happening is extremely low. Here’s why!


3 Reasons Dental Implants Continue to Be the Preferred Choice for Tooth Replacement

September 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 5:19 pm
older man smiling with dental implants

With the way technology is advancing, it should not be surprising to see new and innovative products appearing daily. Although it may not be happening quite as quickly, dentistry, too, is quickly progressing with newer solutions and treatment options. When it comes to tooth loss, though, it appears that dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants continue to serve as the leading tooth replacement options. But what makes dental implants superior? Read on to learn 3 unique reasons patients chose them to achieve complete smiles. 

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