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Sedation dentist offers painless treatments

January 2, 2016

Filed under: Sedation Dentistry — cowlitz @ 8:47 pm

Sedation dentistStop worrying if dental work will hurt. Experience pain-free dentistry from sedation dentist, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington at Cowlitz River Dental.


Stop pain and anxiety with sedation dentist, L. Blaine Kennington at Cowlitz River Dental. Get dental work done while you just relax in complete comfort.


Pain-free dentistry is a reality

Yes, your dental work can be comfortable and relaxed.  Concern about pain, embarrassment, gagging, tooth sensitivity or claustrophobia is gone with the sedation options offered by your skilled dentist near Longview–Dr. L. Blaine Kennington of Cowlitz River Dental.

Expert in advanced dental services such as dental implants, Dr. Kennington and his team go beyond simple local anesthesia (pain shots) to control patient discomfort during complex procedures. Dr. Kennington offers 3 sedation options, depending on patient need, health history and personal preference.

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, helps the anxious patient relax but remain fully awake and cognizant during dental treatments such as fillings. Administered via nasal mask resembling a small paper cup, nitrous oxide gives patients a giddy, care-free feeling–hence, its traditional name of “laughing gas.” The drug may be increased or decreased during treatment, and the effects wear off immediately when turned off. Some people feel a vague tingling sensation during use of laughing gas.  Patients may drive home from the office after having nitrous oxide.

Oral conscious sedation

Given in pill form, oral conscious sedation is a tranquilizing medication. Halcion, Vistaril, Versed and Valium are common choices. These drugs relax the individual, but also allow him to respond to commands if necessary and to be awakened with a simple shake or tap on the shoulder. Some individuals become drowsy to the point that they nap in the dental chair. Upon awakening, they may have no memory of their dental work and must be driven home from the office by a friend or loved one.

IV sedation

Dr. Kennington uses IV sedation to confer deep relaxation. Useful for long or multiple procedures, IV sedation goes into a patient’s vein via needle and is constantly monitored. The sedation dentist also watches the patient’s breathing, blood pressure and pulse while the individual is under the influence of the drug. The amount administered is adjusted as needed during the treatments. As with oral conscious sedation, the patient may experience amnesia regarding his procedures, and he will require a ride home from Cowlitz River Dental.

Part of a comprehensive treatment plan

Dr. Kennington writes a complete treatment plan for each of his patients. It includes diagnostic findings from oral examination and x-rays, as well as needed restorations and the patient’s cosmetic goals. In addition, the sedation dentist includes a plan for controlling anxiety and pain.

So, rest assured that your dental care at Cowlitz River Dental will be painless. If you have questions about sedation options, contact the office for your own consultation with Dr. Kennington.

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