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The Straighter Teeth You’ve Always Wanted with Six Month Smiles® in Castle Rock, WA

August 24, 2014

164125777Straight teeth are largely considered the building blocks of an attractive, healthy smile, but very few people are born with ideal alignment. Gaps, crowding, and crooked teeth can be corrected with orthodontic treatment, though traditional braces aren’t for everyone. That’s why patients in Castle Rock, WA and the surrounding areas turn to Cowlitz River Dental and Six Month Smiles for help. As a trusted provider of Six Month Smiles® orthodontics, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington helps patients with a variety of misalignment issues achieve the straighter, healthier teeth they need to smile with confidence.

Benefits of Six Month Smiles®

Six Month Smiles® orthodontic treatment is similar to traditional braces in that it utilizes gentle force to gradually move teeth into their proper positions. With this revolutionary short term orthodontic method, however, the front teeth are the primary focus of treatment. Using virtually invisible brackets and tooth-colored wires, Dr. Kennington will help you rapidly correct common problems like uneven spacing, gaps, and moderately crooked teeth.

Proven safe and effective, the Six Month Smiles® system can dramatically transform your smile  – often in as little as six short months. The shorter treatment duration means that you’ll save money, too, making Six Month Smiles® a highly preferred method for patients with a fixed budget. You’ll love how easy and quick the process is almost as much as you love your new smile!

A More Beautiful Smile in Just Six Months

Do you find yourself considering orthodontic treatment but feel that traditional metal braces just aren’t appealing to you? Perhaps you’re concerned that the lengthy treatment may interfere with your professional or personal life. Six Month Smiles® may be just the solution you’ve been searching for. Contact our office in Castle Rock, WA today to learn more about our wide range of cosmetic dentistry services, including Six Month Smiles®. Our practice also serves communities in the nearby areas of Lewis County, Kelso, Longview, and more. Dr. Kennington and our team look forward to helping you achieve the gorgeous, healthy smile you deserve.

Having Problems with Dental Anxiety? Dr. Kennington & Sedation Dentistry Can Help

August 10, 2014

147352006Does the thought of undergoing even a simple dental procedure cause you to feel nervous? Do you find yourself avoiding routine checkups because of a bad dental experience in the past? Dental anxiety is a common problem for millions of adults across America, but fear of dental treatment doesn’t have to control your life any longer. At Cowlitz River Dental in Castle Rock, WA, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington and his team genuinely care about your comfort and well-being while you’re in our office, so we do everything we can to make sure that every visit is a pleasantly memorable one. One way we accomplish this is through sedation dentistry.

How Can Sedation Dentistry Help Me?

When you’re nervous or anxious in the dental chair, your muscles are tense and your subconscious can trick you into expecting the worst. You’re uncomfortable and wary, considerably more prone to sudden, jerky movements that can interfere with your treatment. Fortunately, we have a solution that can dramatically improve your state of mind and level of physical comfort while we provide you with the care you need: sedation dentistry. With both oral conscious sedation and IV sedation, Dr. Kennington can help you find genuine calm and relaxation throughout the duration of your procedure. Depending upon the nature of your treatment, your individual health history, and your level of anxiety, Dr. Kennington will prescribe the sedation dentistry option that best fulfills your unique needs.

Sedation dentistry isn’t just for patients who experience fear or anxiety in the dental chair. This safe, effective method is also especially helpful in situations in which a patient experiences difficulty lying still for an extended period of time. Patients with excessively sensitive gag reflexes also find relief with sedation dentistry, as do individuals who have a hard time staying numb with local anesthetics.

Schedule Your Visit Today

At Cowlitz River Dental, we believe that getting the dental care you need should never be a challenge or an unpleasant experience. Contact our office in Castle Rock, WA today to learn how our advanced technology, comfortable atmosphere, and sedation dentistry options can change the way you view dental visits forever. Our state-of-the-art dental practice proudly serves patients from throughout Castle Rock and the surrounding areas, including Longview, Lewis County, Kelso, and beyond.

Implant-Supported Dentures: Reclaim Your Smile with Dental Implants at Cowlitz River Dental

July 21, 2014

shutterstock_81793408For hundreds of years, removable dentures have served as a viable tooth replacement option for edentulous patients, or those who have lost all of their teeth. Today, modern dental implant technology makes it possible to improve even further upon this method of treatment. At Cowlitz River Dental in Castle Rock, WA, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington and his team offer a variety of restorative dental solutions to help patients with missing teeth enjoy more fulfilling and comfortable lives. One of these solutions is the placement of implant-supported dentures.

Why Should I Choose Implant-Supported Dentures?

Dental implants are widely recognized as the preferred restorative dentistry option for the replacement of missing teeth. First, a series of biocompatible posts are surgically placed within the gum tissue and the sturdy bone of the jaw. These implants will serve as the secure anchors to which your custom arch of prosthetic teeth, or dentures, will be attached.

Patients who undergo placement of implant-supported dentures experience a wide range of benefits following their restorative procedure. With your new full set of teeth, you’ll be able to return to a more complete and nutritious diet rather than eliminating foods that don’t mix well with regular dentures. Your smile and the shape of your face as a whole will benefit as well, allowing you to flash your gorgeous pearly whites with confidence anytime, anywhere. As with any of our restorative, cosmetic, or general dentistry services, we welcome your questions, concerns, and expectations regarding your treatment. We are here to help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health for years to come.

Rebuilding Your Smile with Dental Implants

Whether you currently wear dentures and you’d like to learn more about dental implants or you are anticipating the need for new dental restorations soon, we’d like to help. Contact our office in Castle Rock, WA today and speak with our experienced, friendly staff about scheduling your appointment with Dr. Kennington. We can’t wait to show you what an amazing difference our implant dentistry services can make in your daily life. Our patient-centric dental practice happily welcomes patients from throughout Castle Rock and the surrounding areas, including Longview, Kelso, Lewis County, and more.

Finally Get the Pain Relief You Deserve with TMJ Therapy

July 10, 2014

Shutterstock Mouth PainAre you one of the millions of American men and women who suffer from chronic headaches and pain in the jaw, neck, and back? Do you frequently experience earaches or tension in the muscles of your face and wonder what could be causing your discomfort? It is possible that you may be affected by a condition called temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ disorder. At Cowlitz River Dental in Castle Rock, WA, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington provides patients just like you with the consistent TMJ pain relief they need to live happier, healthier, and more comfortable lives.

Lasting Relief from Headaches & Jaw Pain

The temporomandibular joint is the hinge that connects your lower jaw, or mandible, to your skull. It allows for free movement of the jaw in all directions, giving you the ability to chew, speak, yawn, and more. If this joint is irritated, inflamed, or otherwise damaged, the delicate nerves, muscles, and ligaments surrounding it can cause you to experience extreme pain. Other common symptoms of TMJ disorder include the following:

  • A clicking or popping sound/sensation when you open or close your jaw
  • Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears
  • Facial pain and swelling
  • Tension in the jaw, neck, and even the shoulders and back
  • Limited ability to open or close your mouth
  • Frequent, unexplained headaches

Fortunately, there is a solution to TMJ disorder that is non-invasive and proven effective: a custom-made nightguard from Cowlitz River Dental. This comfortable oral appliance is worn only at night and can greatly reduce the amount of pressure and tension on your temporomandibular joint. Dr. Kennington will also discuss other possible remedies for your pain, including stress management at work and at home.

TMJ Therapy That Suits Your Lifestyle

At Cowlitz River Dental, our primary goal is to ensure your continued oral health and overall well-being. We believe that each and every one of our patients deserves the opportunity to enjoy a healthy and pain-free life. That is why we offer a comprehensive array of general and preventive dentistry solutions to patients throughout the Castle Rock, WA area, as well as surrounding communities in Lewis County, Kelso, Longview, and more. Contact our office today to schedule your visit with Dr. Kennington and discover the freedom that comes with effective TMJ treatment. 

Get the Beautiful, Summer-Ready Smile You Deserve with Professional Teeth Whitening

June 19, 2014

shutterstock_151234010Summertime is finally here, and with it come the many fun activities and social gatherings we all associate with the season. As you prepare to hit the beach, hang out at the pool, or head out to barbecue parties with family and friends, you want to be sure that you look your best. Is your smile summer-ready? At Cowlitz River Dental in Castle Rock, WA, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington and his team offer an extensive array of cosmetic dentistry services that help your smile shine, including professional teeth whitening treatments.

Why Choose Professional Teeth Whitening?

Unlike the teeth whitening kits you can buy over-the-counter at your local pharmacy or grocery store, the professional whitening services we offer produce quick, lasting results that brighten your smile by multiple shades, all in a way that is safe for your teeth and gums.

Because we know that your time is a valuable commodity and that convenience is key, we offer two teeth whitening options for men and women seeking a brilliantly lustrous smile that still looks natural. Both in-office teeth whitening and take-home teeth whitening kits are available, giving you flexibility and the power to choose which treatment best fits your needs.

In-office teeth whitening is ideal for patients looking to transform their smile in a single visit. In as little as an hour, you’ll see years of deep, set-in stains lifted from your enamel, revealing the gorgeously white smile you’ve always wanted. For patients who would prefer to whiten at home, we’ll create a set of custom teeth whitening trays that precisely fit your unique dentition. This helps ensure that the special whitening formula we provide effectively and evenly brightens each and every tooth. You’ll love your results, smiling confidently all summer long and throughout the year.

Your Beautiful Smile, Only Brighter

This summer, be sure that your smile makes all the right first impressions. Take advantage of our safe, effective, and proven teeth whitening services to reveal your most luminous, confident smile. Dr. Kennington and our friendly staff look forward to helping you achieve lasting results you’ll love with our comprehensive menu of cosmetic dentistry services in Castle Rock, WA. Our state-of-the-art office also serves patients from throughout nearby communities in Kelso, Lewis County, Longview, and beyond. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

Do I Need to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed? Vital Information from Dr. Kennington

June 5, 2014

shutterstock_196648349Many people wonder if wisdom tooth removal is something that they need in order to maintain optimal oral health and comfort. Because each patient is unique, the answer to this question depends largely upon a number of factors. At Cowlitz River Dental in Castle Rock, WA, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington and his caring staff are always happy to offer insight and information regarding the status of your oral health, as well as advice that can help you make an informed decision regarding certain procedures – this includes help answering the question, “Do I need wisdom tooth removal?”

Reasons for Wisdom Tooth Removal

There are a number of reasons that wisdom tooth extraction is recommended. In many cases, the presence of wisdom teeth may contribute to the overcrowding of other teeth throughout the mouth. In addition to the cosmetic drawbacks of crowding, this problem can increase your risk of developing tooth decay and periodontal disease due to the fact that crowded teeth are more difficult to clean properly. Another reason that wisdom teeth are removed involves the health of your gums. If a wisdom tooth erupts partially through the gum, the resulting opening in the gingival tissue can serve as a potential site of infection.

The most common reason for wisdom tooth extraction is impaction. When a tooth is impacted, it becomes trapped within the jaw and may cause damage to bone tissue, nerves, and adjacent teeth. Timely removal helps to prevent this damage before it becomes serious and painful for the patient.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Do you suspect that you may be suffering from an impacted wisdom tooth? Contact our office today to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Kennington. We are always happy to welcome new and existing patients for oral health evaluations, oral surgery consultations, cosmetic treatment planning, and more. Our conveniently located dental practice in Castle Rock, WA also happily serves patients in Lewis County, Kelso, Longview, and beyond. Our team can’t wait to help you discover real relief from wisdom tooth pain, allowing you to smile comfortably and happily once again.

Invisalign Clear Braces for a Seamlessly Beautiful Smile from Dr. L. Blaine Kennington

May 20, 2014

Shutterstock InvisalignWhen you look in the mirror and consider your smile, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Are you pleased with your appearance of your teeth, or do you wonder how you might look with a straighter, more balanced smile? At Cowlitz River Dental in Castle Rock, WA, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington and his team offer an all-encompassing variety of cosmetic dentistry services to help you achieve the smile of your dreams, including the revolutionary orthodontic treatment known as Invisalign.

How Can Invisalign Help Me?

Not everyone is born with the natural components of a straight, healthy smile. Teeth may grow too closely together, too far apart, and may even overlap in ways that are detrimental to your oral health. Fortunately, today’s advanced orthodontic technology makes it possible to correct these and other common alignment problems, often without the need for metal braces. For adults and teens who are looking to maintain a polished image while they undergo treatment, Invisalign offers a clear advantage.

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign utilizes clear acrylic material that is exceptionally comfortable and virtually invisible. There’s no longer any of the hassle or discomfort associated with metal brackets and wires, both of which can irritate the inner cheeks and lips. Brushing and flossing are made far easier as well, as your Invisalign clear aligners can be quickly removed and replaced after eating and daily oral hygiene activities. In as little as 12 to 18 months, you could be enjoying a beautifully transformed smile that you’re proud to show off to the world.

Straighter Teeth, Healthier Smile

Because properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, people with straighter smiles tend to suffer from less tooth decay and periodontal disease. If you’d like to experience the full benefits of straighter teeth for yourself, we invite you to contact our office in Castle Rock, WA today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Kennington. We look forward to sitting down with you to discuss your cosmetic dentistry goals, as well as to answer any questions you may have. Our conveniently located office also serves families from throughout the surrounding areas, including Longview, Kelso, Lewis County, and beyond.

Keep Little Smiles Healthy and Strong with Children’s Dentistry at Cowlitz River Dental

May 5, 2014

Shutterstock Children Girl ToothbrushSummer is just around the corner and kids from all over the country are excited for school to end, freeing them to stay up later, spend their days at the pool, and enjoy everyday adventures with friends and family. Though school may be letting out for a while and schedules will undoubtedly soon switch to summer mode, it’s important that your children keep to their regular oral hygiene regimen just the same, preventing decay and other problems with routine checkups at Cowlitz River Dental. Conveniently located in Castle Rock, WA, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington and his team offer comprehensive children’s dentistry services all year round, ensuring the full health, comfort, and beauty of your child’s smile.

The Importance of Children’s Dental Checkups

While it is true that your little one’s primary teeth, or baby teeth, will fall out eventually, taking exceptional care of them now is still crucial to overall oral health and wellness. These first teeth set the stage for the healthy development of the pearly whites your child will use for the rest of their lives, so keeping them strong is key to lifelong dental health.

When you visit Cowlitz River Dental, we’ll always take the time to ensure that your son or daughter feels completely comfortable and safe in the dental chair. We know that first impressions count for a lot, particularly when it comes to the dentist. Our honest, open, and patient-centric approach to children’s dentistry means that your child will begin life loving dental checkups. We’ll perform a thorough examination and cleaning, providing useful tips for at-home oral care and answers to any questions you may have. Should they be deemed helpful, dental sealants and fluoride treatments may be offered.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Has it been more than six months since your child last visited us for a dental checkup? If so, contact our office in Castle Rock, WA today to schedule your appointment. We can’t wait to show you what a difference our commitment to your child’s oral health and happiness can make! Our family-friendly dental practice also happily serves patients from Lewis County, Kelso, Longview, and beyond.

CEREC One-Visit Crowns: Beautiful Form & Function in One Day at Cowlitz River Dental

April 23, 2014

Shutterstock Senior Couple Hug SmilePorcelain crowns offer a number of key advantages in the field of restorative dentistry, simultaneously providing strength and beauty in cases in which a tooth has become damaged due to decay or injury. Previously, the fabrication and placement of dental crowns was a tedious and time-consuming process. Modern dental technology, however, has now made it possible for Dr. Kennington to provide patients with flawless porcelain crowns in less time than ever before. At Cowlitz River Dental in Castle Rock, WA, we feature revolutionary CEREC one-visit crowns, giving you all the advantages of a beautifully strong and healthy smile.

Benefits of CEREC Technology in Castle Rock, WA

Whereas the traditional dental crown process involved messy impressions that were often uncomfortable to the patient, CEREC one-day technology allows Dr. Kennington to take precise, accurate measurements of your dentition in mere minutes using a digital scanner. These measurements are used to formulate 3-dimensional digital images that are then used to create your custom porcelain crowns. There’s no longer any need to endure a temporary crown for weeks while you wait for your restoration to be completed. Dr. Kennington can complete the entire process in one comfortable visit so you can leave our office with a fortified, more confident smile.

CEREC restorations have become the new standard when it comes to dental crowns, offering the beauty and strength you’d expect with the incredible benefit of time saved as well. You’ll love how natural your new restoration looks and feels, fitting seamlessly into your smile while preserving as much of your existing tooth as possible. As with all of our cosmetic and restorative dental procedures, you’ll be made to feel comfortable and welcome in our family-friendly practice from the moment you walk through our doors. We’re not satisfied until you’re smiling freely and happily once again.

Schedule Your Consultation

Whether you are in need of a new crown or currently have a restoration that needs to be replaced, Dr. Kennington and his caring team are here to help! In our state-of-the-art dental practice in Castle Rock, WA, we possess the skills, expertise, experience, and cutting-edge technology necessary to restore your smile to its optimal state of health and beauty. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding CEREC one-day crowns, as well as any of our other restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures. We also serve patients in nearby areas, including Longview, Kelso, Lewis County, and beyond.

Dental Implants Post-Op: Must-Have Recovery Tips from Cowlitz River Dental in Castle Rock, WA

April 9, 2014

shutterstock_156782423Dental implants have quickly become the preferred restorative option for patients who are missing one or more teeth, whether this is due to injury, disease, or necessary extraction. For patients who have made the decision to undergo dental implant surgery, understanding the basics of post-operative care is essential before the implant process even begins. At Cowlitz River Dental in Castle Rock, WA, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington and his team are here to help you along every step of the way, offering consistent and compassionate care from the beginning of your treatment until your restored, healthier smile is complete.

Dental Implant Post-Op Essentials

Before your dental implant surgery, Dr. Kennington and his trusted staff will provide you with all of the details regarding your procedure. You’ll be apprised of the healing process as well, preparing you for a successful recovery following the surgery. Some basic fundamentals to keep in mind – particularly regarding pain management, health, and oral hygiene – include the following:

  • Ensuring proper healing. In order to recover quickly and efficiently, your body requires adequate rest. Avoid strenuous activity for two to three days following your surgery, especially avoiding anything that necessitates bending over or lifting heavy objects. As always, feel free to contact us and consult Dr. Kennington if you have any questions at all.
  • Diet after dental implants. Soft, cool food and plenty of liquids are recommended for the first few days to a week after your procedure. Avoid crunchy, flaky, and hard foods, as these can irritate the healing tissue of the gums.
  • Avoiding discomfort. You’ll be given a prescription for medication that helps alleviate pain following surgery, and instructions regarding additional, over-the-counter medicines as well. Anti-inflammatory drugs can also help to reduce any swelling; alternating cold and warm compresses will magnify these effects.
  • Preventing infection. Following any surgical procedure of this nature, patients are typically provided with a prescription for antibiotic medication. This precautionary measure helps to drastically reduce the chance that an infection will develop at the surgical site. Be sure to follow Dr. Kennington’s post-op instructions regarding your medicine, as well as any special directions provided by your pharmacist.

Your Trusted Partners in Implant Dentistry in Castle Rock, WA

At Cowlitz River Dental, we believe that each and every person deserves the opportunity to enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile. That’s why we offer a comprehensive menu of restorative dentistry services, including the placement and restoration of dental implants. Contact our office in Castle Rock, WA today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Kennington and see what a difference our commitment to your oral health can make in your daily life. Our family-friendly dental practice happily welcomes patients from throughout the neighboring areas, including Kelso, Longview, Lewis County, and more.

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