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Discover the Different Types of Dental Implants and Their Benefits

March 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 5:49 pm
a digital image of a bottom row of teeth, complete with an implant bridge prosthetic

Think dental implants are only meant to replace a single missing tooth? What if you have several consecutive missing teeth? Are you forced to have a fixed bridge put into place? Maybe all your teeth are missing along a single arch, but you don’t like the idea of living with a traditional denture. What do you do? Instead of believing that your options are limited, it’s time to learn more about the versatility of dental implants and how they can benefit all types of smiles.

What Are the Different Types of Dental Implants?

Depending on how much you already know about dental implants, you may be pleased to learn that there are three types of dental implants. While each implant is made the same way, they all serve a different purpose.

Single Tooth Dental Implant

Using a lone titanium post, metal abutment, and a custom-made dental crown, a single tooth dental implant is designed to replace one missing tooth. No matter where it is located within the mouth, a single implant can effectively restore a person’s smile while improving their oral health by continuing to stimulate the jawbone.

Implant-Retained Bridge

When multiple consecutive teeth are missing, an implant-retained bridge can be used to create a solid, functional, and natural-looking smile. Two dental implants are used as well as two metal abutments. Once they are placed and you have fully recovered, your dentist will place a custom dental bridge on top of your implants to complete your smile.

Implant-Retained Denture

If all teeth are missing along an arch, or both arches, instead of using a traditional denture, your dental team can surgically place an implant-retained denture. Using between 4 and 6 implant posts, they are placed along the jawbone before a custom-made denture is secured to the top.

How Can They Make a Positive Difference in a Person’s Smile?

Dental implants are known for their many benefits. Apart from the increased stability they can offer, you will find that no matter how many missing teeth you have, these unique and revolutionary restorations can have you living your best life. Some of their benefits include:

  • Increased functionality that allows you to eat, speak, and chew with confidence
  • A smile that can last for 30+ years with proper care and maintenance
  • Restorations that cannot decay (but remember, you still need to keep up with your regular oral hygiene routine for your natural, healthy teeth)
  • A more complete and natural look and feel
  • Greater oral health due to continuous stimulation of the jawbone, preventing facial sagging and bite misalignment

Don’t be made to feel as if you have to settle when it comes to your smile. Talk to your dentist today about how you can find out if you are eligible for dental implants.

About the Author
Looking for a more stable way to replace your missing teeth? Dr. L. Blaine Kennington at Cowlitz River Dental can help you achieve a healthier, fully functioning smile with the help of dental implants. As a graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry in Chapel Hill, he spent 12 years as a dentist in the United States Air Force, completing a residency in Advanced Education in General Dentistry from 1994-1996. Opening his practice in 2002, he and his team have provided start-to-finish dental implant treatment for individuals who are missing one, multiple, or all their teeth. Visit our website or call (360) 274-9100 to learn how this revolutionary treatment can have you seeing a new and improved smile.

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