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Dental Implants vs. Natural Teeth: Which is Stronger?

July 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 3:49 am
woman with a dental implant

It is true that tooth enamel is considered to be the hardest substance in the body. Capable of withstanding the daily pressures of chewing, biting, and speaking, it might seem as if there is no way anything else could be stronger. But is that entirely true? The reality is that tooth enamel can break; it can also decay. And if this happens, you’ll need a solution that offers even greater durability. Found in dental implants, a local dentist is here to explain why these prosthetics are the ideal replacement for natural teeth, especially when it comes to strength.

How Do Dental Implants Compare to Natural Teeth?

Natural tooth enamel is strong but over time, it will begin to wear down. This is normal, as age, eating, speaking, and oral health issues (i.e., cavities, gum disease, teeth grinding) will have their effect over time.

Although the goal is to maintain your natural teeth for a lifetime, this simply isn’t possible for some individuals. When teeth must be extracted because of decay or damage, or they fall out because of poor oral hygiene, they must be replaced to avoid further harm to the mouth and facial structure.

This is where dental implants come in. Designed as lifelong prosthetics that deliver continuous stimulation to the jawbone, they are permanent fixtures inside the mouth that allow for fully restored and functional smiles.

Their permanency is what makes them more durable than regular teeth. Made of titanium, these prosthetics fuse with bone tissues so that they do not move over time. Unlike natural teeth that can shift and weaken, dental implants will not. Only if gum disease or facial trauma occurs will these posts be impacted.

What Makes Dental Implants the Preferred Method of Tooth Replacement?

If you want a solution that mimics the natural function of teeth, there is no better solution than dental implants. You will find that with these prosthetics, your bite force and chewing power are restored, allowing you to eat all your favorite foods.

Their permanent placement within the jawbone creates a firm foundation for your implant crown, bridge, or denture so that you do not need to worry about it slipping or falling out.

Dental implants also cannot decay. They’re also incredibly hard to break or crack; however, you should still plan to wear a mouthguard if you play sports or tend to grind your teeth at night.

The most important factor to remember, though, is that while the titanium post is much stronger than a regular tooth, the restoration that sits on top is not. Your implants may not need to be replaced regularly, but you may be required to have your crown, bridge, or denture replaced should it succumb to injury or wear and tear over time.

If maintaining your natural smile for a lifetime doesn’t seem like a reality, the next best solution is dental implants. With these prosthetics, you’ll find that you can live life with the same confidence and ability as you did before.

About the Author
Dr. L. Blaine Kennington opened Cowlitz River Dental in 2002. Since then, he and his team continue to provide patients living in Castle Rock with healthier, more aesthetically pleasing smiles. Providing dental implants as a way to replace missing teeth, he assures patients that healthier, fully functional smiles can once again be achieved with the help of these prosthetics. If you want to see a highly durable, complete smile, visit our website or call (360) 703-9092 to find out more about dental implants.

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