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4 Back-to-School Safety Tips for Your Child’s Smile

August 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 9:51 pm
a young boy wearing a mouthguard while preparing for a game of football

As the new school year quickly approaches, you may be wondering what steps you should take to ensure your child spends more time in class and less time in the dentist’s chair. While COVID-19 may cause “school” to look a bit different this year, your commitment to taking a proactive approach when it comes to their oral health can make a big difference. Not only is a healthy smile setting them up for success, but it also helps them to feel more confident in their appearance, which can mean a lot to a self-conscious child or teen. Before they head back for their first day, a local dentist shares a few helpful tips designed to better protect your child’s smile throughout the year.

Invest in a Mouthguard

If your child enjoys playing sports, is actively engaged in outdoor activities, or is prone to teeth grinding (bruxism), talk to your child’s dentist about a mouthguard and/or nightguard. These custom-made devices can protect their teeth and gums from injury on the field, track, or court as well as avoid excessive wear and tear and chronic jaw pain caused by grinding and clenching teeth.

A mouthguard will serve as a barrier against a hard-hitting tackle, missed pass, or sudden fall, and it will keep your child from avoiding an unnecessary trip to see their emergency dentist for a knocked-out or broken tooth.

On the other hand, if your child becomes easily stressed because of an upcoming exam and begins clenching their teeth, a nightguard can alleviate pressure and prevent additional damage to their teeth. The layer of protection will keep teeth from coming into contact with each other as well as relax facial muscles to reduce jaw pain.

Inquire About Dental Sealants

If your child is prone to cavities, or you worry they will trade their healthy lunch for a sugar-filled alternative, your child’s dentist can place dental sealants on their back molars. Because these teeth have numerous pits and grooves, it is easy for harmful particles to embed within these hard-to-reach areas and begin to eat away at the tooth enamel. These protective coverings are quickly and easily placed during a regular appointment and prevent bacteria and food from penetrating and causing cavities to form.

Make Sure They’re Practicing Good Oral Habits

Depending on the age of your child, you may or may not need to observe their oral hygiene routine in the morning and at night. But if you want to be certain they are brushing, flossing, and rinsing regularly, it is best to stay on top of their regime by reminding when necessary. If your child needs encouragement, play some music or create a game. A reward system is also helpful when trying to get young smiles into the habit of performing these tasks daily. Just make sure whatever you choose as a reward is free of sugar!

Schedule Their Six-Month Appointment

Because the school year is often filled with numerous obligations and crammed schedules, it’s always best to go ahead and schedule your child’s next appointment before you leave. Whether you plan it for the end of the calendar year to ensure all procedures are covered under your deductible or you work to plan their next visit before the end of the school year to avoid the back-to-school rush, identifying a time that is most convenient for you and your child ahead of time will prove beneficial in the long run.

Whether your child will be attending class in person or virtually at home, make sure they start the year with a healthy smile and can-do attitude. By helping to keep their teeth free of decay and damage, you are ensuring they’re getting the information they need to be successful in school.

About the Author
As a family dentist, Dr. L. Blaine Kennington graduated from the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry in Chapel Hill before going to work for Clinical Research Associates. For 12 years, he served as a dentist in the United States Air Force, completing a residency in Advanced Education in General Dentistry from 1994-1996. Moving to Castle Rock in 2002, he opened his own practice and has been helping the city’s residents ever since. He and the team at Cowlitz River Dental want to ensure your child has a successful start to the new school year, which is why we are pleased to provide helpful tips you can use to make sure their teeth and gums are better protected against decay and damage. If you would like to learn more about available services and solutions designed to improve young smiles, visit our website or call (360) 274-9100.

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