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3 Tooth Extraction Myths Your Dentist is Here to Debunk

October 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 9:56 pm
a tooth being removed

Tooth extractions result in immense pain. You’ll be fine without a replacement tooth after it’s gone. It will take at least half a year to fully recover from this procedure. All of these statements are commonly found on the internet and among those who’ve heard from family members who had a tooth removed more than 50 or 60 years ago. Not only are these so-called “truths” complete myths, but they’re also harmful to anyone who might need to have a tooth removed for the benefit of their oral health. Here are 3 myths about tooth extraction that a dentist will debunk so that you have more peace when preparing for your procedure.

You’ll Experience Severe Pain During a Tooth Extraction

This could not be further from the truth. When preparing for this type of procedure, your dentist will start by administering local anesthesia. You will feel no pain whatsoever when they are removing your tooth. This is because it is numb as well as the area surrounding it.

If you need sedation dentistry, it’s possible to also inquire about it. There is no reason that you should be in any pain during your procedure. And although you will experience some discomfort after the anesthesia wears off, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever and use a cold compress to minimize the discomfort, which should only be temporary.

You Don’t Need to Worry About Replacing Your Tooth

If you are having your wisdom teeth removed, this statement is true. However, if any other tooth must be extracted, you will need to have it replaced when your dentist says it is time. The reason is that your jawbone needs to be stimulated. Without it, the bone will begin to shrink over time, leading to additional tooth loss.

By replacing your extracted tooth with a dental bridge, partial denture, or dental implant, you ensure that your smile is in the best possible shape for the future. You’ll no longer need to worry about facial collapse but instead maintain a healthier, more beautiful appearance for longer.

It’s Always Best to Remove a Tooth Instead of Treating It

This is probably the most dangerous myth about tooth extractions. Natural teeth possess what artificial teeth do not – optimal stability, durability, and appearance. While there are solutions that make it difficult to determine which teeth are real and which are artificial because of their natural appearance, no other material can completely replicate the look, feel, and makeup of regular tooth enamel.

Keeping natural teeth in place for as long as possible is always the goal, which is why most dentists will never recommend tooth extraction unless it is absolutely necessary. Should you be required to undergo this type of treatment, you can trust that it is because there is no other option available.

Tooth extractions are not the scary dental treatment many want to make them out to be. Instead, it can be a highly effective and necessary procedure that ultimately keeps your oral health in better shape for the rest of your life. If you have questions about this process and want to hear from a trusted expert, reach out to your dentist for additional help.

About the Author
Dr. L. Blaine Kennington understands that patients can become fearful when learning they need to have a tooth removed. Although the process has a bad reputation from those who underwent tooth extraction many decades ago, things are vastly different now, making the procedure safer, easier, and more comfortable for patients. If you want to make sure that you’re getting the facts about tooth extraction, contact our office at (360) 703-9092 to speak to Dr. Kennington.

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